Re-inspiring leaders to lead change
The challenge
DHL was in the throes of a radical change to their structure and a transformation of the culture across the UK operation, when a very public crisis hit the business. The strategic change programme was de-railed for several months, but when the dust settled it became a business priority to re-focus the leaders on the core strategic challenges. Our challenge was to create an event to re-capture the top 200 leaders’ attention, firing them up to crack on and recover lost ground; providing clarity on the need for change, and inspiring them to engage and motivate others in the behaviours needed for DHL to realise its ‘One Team’ ambition.
Making it happen
We knew the delegates were analytical, practical and logistically-focused. So, we devised a programme to satisfy their need for detail while tapping into their imagination and encouraging new thinking.
We kept them engaged throughout with a judiciously designed programme of experiential sessions, game-based learning, practical leadership mentoring and storytelling workshops.

Key messages were delivered in bite-sized sessions by the SLT (no PPTs allowed!) and the overarching theme of working together and thinking creatively was reinforced with a drumming session finale that had everyone moving to the same beat.

Momentum was maintained with a take-home toolkit, equipping managers with the resources to have post-event conversations with their teams. These included engaging animations, exciting visuals, storytelling ‘how to’ guides, roadmaps and a strategy-on-a-page.
The Outcome
We measured delegates’ understanding of, belief in and motivation to achieve the plan both before and after the event: