In 2017, we discovered that ‘Senior Leaders’ had jumped from sitting at 7th place on the list of Top Global Engagement Opportunities – to ranking 3rd, above direct line managers.
But it was also revealed that only 16% of employees feel connected and engaged by their employers, and that as many as 59% of leaders don’t consider themselves ready to tackle the employee experience challenge.
Unfortunately, this has left senior leaders everywhere with quite a heavy weight on their shoulders for 2018. However, on a more positive note, employee engagement isn’t all that hard to crack. It just takes a copious amount of effort, dedication, and conviction.
One of the most impactful ways to engage an employee is to show recognition where it’s due, and give somethign back in return for their commitment and hard work. Feeling appreciated and valued is incredibly inspirational and motivational. In fact, 81% of employees say receiving recognition makes them more satisfied with their work and company position.
Here at H&H, we love the idea of giving back. And we’ve been thinking – what are some of the best, easiest ways leaders can give back to their employees?
And as we’re all experts in employee engagement here at H&H, we thought it would be nice if everyone on team H&H shared their ideas in response to this question.
Here are some of the best suggestions – why not try some of these with your team?
Here are our picks for the 10 easiest ways leaders can give back to their employees
“A personalised note/card reflecting what they value about you. Everyone appreciates a compliment or two and it’s good to know how you add value to a team…plus it’s a massive confidence boost to be told you do something really well!” – Lewis
“Offer a couple of hours’ leave or as flexi time to take care of essential personal matters” – Hannah
“I think something as simple as being allowed to leave at lunchtime on Fridays ocassionally is a nice gesture” – Oli
“Something personal that acknowledges the person as an individual and recognises their work throughout the year, maybe by highlighting an achievement. This would work in large organisations, as it’s easy for employees to feel like they’re lost in a sea of people where SLTs are seen as being distant” – Kris
“I value the opportunity to do things you wouldn’t normally get to do, so something like an experience day would tick that box. Might be difficult in larger organisations though!” – Luke
“If you’re looking for an organisation-wide gift, why not get one that keeps on giving – a magazine subscription of the employees’ choosing. Whether they do it for themselves or choose to re-gift it to friends and family, you can’t go wrong and it becomes a very valuable present that works for everyone!” – Danae
“It depends what the person values – but fundamentally, it’s the small things that make a real difference. As long as it has meaning” – Kirsty
“Give a genuine and heartfelt thank you in recognition of everyone’s contribution” – Helen
However you choose to give back to your employees, just remember – when it comes to employee engagement, often the simplest things make the greatest impact.
For more great tips on how to be an awesome senior leader or manager, download our Manager & Senior Leadership Engagement IC Field Guide!
Get in touch today to find out how we could help you transform your leaders and managers from average, to exceptional!
Got a brilliant idea you simply can’t keep to yourself?
We’re always looking for fresh faces to help us further the IC conversation by writing guest articles for our blog. If you want to make your voice heard on internal comms, employee engagement, change management or leadership development, we’d love it if you got in touch!